6X - FAQ

Can I operate the drone using Sentera FieldAgent and import/view my data in FieldAgent?
Yes, you can import both RGB & Multispectral data for storage, and view RGB photos on a map.

How can I view vegetation index maps and advanced analytics prior to 6X being supported by FieldAgent?
The imagery from the 6X is compatible with all standard photogrammetry tools such as Pix4D, Agisoft, QGIS, and ArcGIS. For now, some post processing is required for Agisoft, QGIS and ArcGIS. Contact Sentera for more information.

What drones are compatible with the 6X?
The sensor is offered with a stabilizing gimbal that can mount to DJI M100, M200, Inspire 1, Inspire 2, M600, or custom installations. The 6X can also be ordered as a stand-alone camera with no gimbal attachment. Supports integration with MAVLink, including Pixhawk.
In general, in its simplest form all that is required for the camera to take photos during flight is for the sensor to receive power from the drone or a battery pack. Once the camera is powered and the GPS module is connected, it will take photos at the desired overlap setting. However, for more advanced users the camera was designed with versatile interfaces to allow easy integration into most drone systems.

How can I change the settings of my 6X sensor and what settings are configurable?
You can change the operating settings of the 6X camera by accessing the camera control & settings web page. Current configuration options are shown below.  See the user’s manual for further instruction.

Can I customize the spectral bands of the 6X?
Yes, contact Sentera. Customization of all 5 filters is expected to add an additional $1500-$2000 to the price of the camera and $700-$1000 to the price of the light sensor. Further custom filter support, such as determining white balance corrections, light sensor corrections, or vegetation index calculations would be an additional charge and would only be done for certain customers.

Does this sensor offer ambient color correction?
Yes, the 6X is offered with a companion incident light sensor. For now, light sensor data is stored in the XMP and EXIF tags of images taken. Post processing will correct the multispectral images for the ambient color condition.

Does the 6X support operation with a reflectance panel?
Yes, reflectance panel support will be available in Q2 2020.

What vegetative indices can I generate with this sensor?
Any based on the 5 spectral bands shown above.

How can I trigger the 6X camera?
Standard configurations for DJI systems are equipped with a GPS module and operate in GPS overlap mode, which will trigger the camera as needed to provide the desired amount of image overlap. Desired overlap can be changed in the configurations settings via a cabled connection to the webpage. Non-DJI and other systems can be triggered manually through the web page, through a discrete I/O pin, periodic time, GPS overlap, or MAVLink/Pixhawk trigger commands. Regardless of the triggering mechanism photos from all 6 sensors will have synchronized capture.

Why interfaces are offered on the expansion port?
Expansion port provides 5V and 3.3V power outputs, 2X 3.3V UARTs, GPS pulse per second time synchronization, shutter output synchronization, trigger input, and battery power input.

For more information:
Sentera 6X Multispectal Sensor User Guide.

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