Sentera PHX™ FAQs - Why Did My Launch Fail?
Any of the following can cause a failed Sentera PHX™ launch:
1. Attempting to launch the aircraft with a tailwind.
Note: You should Never attempt to launch the Sentera PHX with a tailwind. For best results, you want to throw the aircraft into the wind or crosswind.2. Attempting to launch the aircraft and not throwing it hard enough.
Note: You must throw the Sentera PHX much harder to launch on a hot and windless day or into a crosswind than you would into the wind on a cool windy day.3. Launching the aircraft without a take-off or way-point planned in your mission in the Fly PHX software.
Note: Sentera PHX Firmware 180.3.0 and above will not let you take-off without take-off a way-point.4. Too much time has passed between the shake to start the motor and when the aircraft was thrown.
Note: After the aircraft has been shaken and the motor has spooled, you only have a few seconds to throw the aircraft or the motor will stop. This is a safety feature in case you need to stop a launch due to any unforeseen circumstances.