Stand Count - How to Capture and Import Imagery
FieldAgent Stand Counts allow you to efficiently and effectively capture population counts on every acre of your operation – processing images from throughout a field to identify every plant in every image for the most accurate and complete results. Currently supported crops are Corn, Soybeans, Cotton, and Potato.
How to Capture Stand Count Imagery
When to Fly
Timing is important
Plants must have AT LEAST 4in (10cm) of leaf length as seen from above when collecting data for stand count.

Let FieldAgent track when to fly a field. With FieldAgent Notifications, you'll be notified of the best time to fly each field for stand count. NOTE: Planting activities are required to receive these notifications.
What Drone and Sensor
Your collection device makes all the difference. Some are more efficient or safer and some are not supported.
We recommend Sentera’s Double 4K Analytics sensor. This sensor has a zoomed in lens , allowing data collection from 150ft above ground, which is both safe and efficient. Paired with a Sentera PHX, this sensor allows for up to 1000 acres of coverage an hour. The Double 4K Analytics sensor is also compatible with the DJI Inspire 2 and M300.
The integrated sensors on the DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2 and Mavic 2 Pro will also collect imagery for stand counts.
These sensors are flown at 50ft to ensure plants can be recognized in the imagery.
Flight Settings
FieldAgent mobile defaults to an overlap of -300%. This will produce ~1 stand count per acre. If you'd like more or less, adjust the overlap higher (more frequent Stand Counts) or lower (less Stand Counts)
Non-Flat Terrain
Processing Stand Counts requires a specific and consistent height above the plants throughout flight.
When flying over non-flat terrain, Terrain Informed should be turned on. Note that while processing stand counts does not require an internet connection, planning a terrain Informed flight DOES require an internet connection.

PHX with Fly PHX


You are responsible for planning and executing safe flights. Always check the flight area for trees and other obstacles. During flight, be prepared to take over at any time.
WARNING: Concave flight boundaries with surrounding trees at or near the planned altitude should be replanned as line missions. Look closely at planned flight routes before pressing launch. Some flight patterns over concave flight boundaries may cut through the boundaries. Cutting through the boundary is the most efficient path, but not always the safest. To solve this problem, clear the flight plan and, in the order the drone can safely fly, select all the locations where you would like to capture an image for stand count. Planning flights in this manner also makes it less likely that images are captured over areas where a stand count may not be possible (ex. Over terracing or irrigation channels). See below for an example of a custom planned line flight that ensures the drone will not cross over trees while capturing photos.
Importing Data
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